-Miracle Inception-

Upon studying this morning I heard a commentary state that,

“the woman’s faith healed her” as well as “faith opens the door for the miracles.”

I love what they are saying here, however we have to understand that Jesus’ miracle was more than just the miracle. It was about the heart of the individual needing forgiveness from the sin. This time as I was studying this part of Matthew, it dawned on me that these miracles are two part miracles. We have the external miracle that heals the flesh. That which we can see and physically understand and then the internal miracle that heals the heart which we can only see from a Spiritual understanding upon being redeemed by Christ.

Jesus in Jesus fashion never misses an opportunity to show us something on a deeper level. Jesus doesn’t want us to live on the surface level but on a deeper level with deeper understanding of what he has truly healed or saved us from. Sin.

Often time we ask God for a miracle in our lives and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. However, if we are like so much of the “crowd” the Bible references and showing up for the outward miracle and not the inward miracle of soul restoration and salvation from our sins so that we are made just and right in the eyes of God so we may have eternal life instead of eternal death, then we are missing the target.

Christ getting the death penalty for our sins so that we may have eternal life. Grafted into the vine known as Jesus. Adopted into his Kingdom. Saving Grace poured out onto your life.

That’s the true miracle in our lives.

You just need faith in Jesus to open the door to this miracle.

If you have anything you want me to pray about be sure to fill the comments up below or DM me. Let’s be in prayer together.